Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pennies and Promises

Hi again....hope you are doing well!!!

I have been thinking of starting a blog from quite a long time........but then i am at times a lazy person and was afraid i wouldnt be able to devote enough time to my blog baby (as i have two babies at home; hubby baby and my lil princess baby!) and hence was apprehensive about leaving it unattended and neglected. 

But u see, in this head of mine, in addition to all the nerves and neurons and grey matter, many thoughts go whizzing by.....some happen to linger in the crevices a little longer while others get lost in the folds of thoughts. (I could be a rich person u know...if someone were to give me a penny for each of my thoughts!!!) And the lingering thoughts started forming into ideas and kept whispering to me to spill them out, to share them........to give form to them with letters and spaces and characters and words....so that this time they dont get lost but live on, be it as minute as possible, in this great world wide web!!
And so the urge to share and share alike all the pennies in my head overtook my apprehensions and so here I am...blogging away....
I am not expecting myself to be a regular to this space as i have a family to look after at home and a project to build in office!! But i promise that as when i find myself free i shall definetly add something here.
So till then......Cheerio!!

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