Thursday, September 13, 2012

Am Back!!

Hello!! I'm back.......after a loooooooooooooooong gap of 2 YEARS!!! OMG!! Where had I been? Well, no I wasnt bundled up in a rocket and shipped off to the International Space Station. I was right here, amongst everyone......but caught up with the tide of life and forgetting about this forum. My due Apologies!!

Now that I'm back, I'll try to keep posting frequently. Not a promise....promises are made to break eh!!

A lot of water has flown under the bridge in these last 2 years. My lil one is now a fiesty lass gearing to go into the big wide world wearing her first school bag!! Yes she's gonna be all of 3 years time flies by!! It seems like just yesterday when I squealed with delight 'Its a Girl!!, Its a Girl!!' while still being stitched on the operation table with the just-born her on spread across my chest!! And now, she's the ruler of our house!!

Ah, Nostalgia!!

It feels great to pour out my feelings and musings onto this blank screen which take the shape of my memories!!

Until I see you again with a post soon, Ciao!! (Fingers crossed about the 'soon' thing     ;-p    )  

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