Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Basic Pound Cake--Love at First Bite!!!

Ever since the baking bug bit me, i have been going gaga about it, especially about cake moulds. Recently dropped by at Jamal's on MG Road to check out for any new Silicone cake moulds. A great collection awaited me at Jamal's!!!The entire wall was stacked up with different sizes and shapes and colours of silicone moulds!! A Silicone mould heaven....especially in Bangalore.Super excited is all that i got and infected the same to the hubby darling. Quickly depositing the baby princess into the baby sitters arms, me and the husband started filling our hands with the colourful moulds. And as a result i ended up with a beautiful creamy deep savarin cake mould...a type of bundt!! Getting home and admiring the days loot, i was getting impatient to put my brand new bundt to use. I had seen more than many pound cakes in a bundt and so that was exactly what i decided to adorn by new mould. Promptly started surfing the net for the perfect recipe of a Pound Cake and landed upon the Joy Of Baking link.

A Pound cake screams BUTTER!!! It got its name beacuse of the measurement of 'a pound each' of its main ingreduents. From 'Joy of Baking' site, "The name 'pound' was given to this cake because the original recipes contained one pound of butter, one pound of sugar, one pound of eggs, and one pound of flour. While the pound cakes we make today often have different proportions from the original, they are still wonderfully rich, moist, and buttery with a lovely golden brown crust. "

I was initially wary about using so much butter.....but the promise of a rich buttery flavour took me over and fascinated me and eventually i gave in to using a full 200gms of butter. The recipe demanded of having all ingredients at room temperature and so my cake baking session had to get pushed to the next day as my butter was freezing rock solid in my freezer box.

Come next day and after packing the husband's lunch and waving him a bye-bye (just like an obedient and ideal wifey) i found myself rushing to the oven and pre-heating it!! With the stage(oven) set and the actors(ingredients) ready, all that was left was for me to direct the play!!!

The end result was beeuuutiful. Absolutely divine....the aroma of butter and vanilla wafted around temptingly. The previous day's purchase, my deep savarin mould gave my pound cake the perfect shape and colour......a beautiful sunset golden hue.

The cake was fluffy and soft to the touch. And the taste....as promised was rich and moist and beautifully buttery.

The husband fell in love with this buttery joy in the first bite and has ever been insisting to bake it frequently!!

A definite recommendation for all beginners as the cake comes out perfect and gives a good shot of confidence.

Pure indulgence ...........is what a Pound cake offers!! And why not...its not everyday that we treat ourselves with a slab of rich Pound Cake over a cup of hot coffee!!

Bon Appetit!!

Basic Pound Cake Recipe

1 and a ½ cup Maida (All Purpose Flour)
¾ cup granulated Sugar
3 eggs
200gms unsalted cooking butter
3 tbsp milk
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
¼ tsp salt

Important: All ingredients have to be at room temperature


Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees.
In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs one after the other. Add the milk and essence.
Have all the dry ingredients mixed well in an electric mixer. To this add the egg mixture in 3 additions. Beat well for at least 30-45 seconds after each addition. Beat for 1 full minute after the last addition to aerate the mixture. This will help trap air bubbles inside the batter which is essential for to get a fluffy cake. Grease the desired shape cake tin/mould. Pour the batter directly, with out disturbing, into the mould. Disturbing the batter while pouring will burst the air bubbles inside the batter and the cake may not turn out to be very fluffy.

Bake the cake for approx 45-50 mins at 200 degrees or until a cake tester comes out clean.

Remove the cake from the oven and let cool in the mould for 15-20 mins. Reverse the cake from the mould only after cooled so that the cake does'nt break when warm.

Serve the cake with a warm cup of coffee or hot chocolate.

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