Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Come out and Play

(This post was posted on Sept 16th 2010. Due to some change of settings, it is appearing as posted on Oct 5th.)

A lot of things have kept me busy and away from my Blog baby.

Please bear with me as i justify(for my own satisfaction) my long absence. Firstly my princess fell ill with the viral fever which is doing its rounds here in B'lore. Then work has started a bit at office- keeping me busy with not enough time to look this way. And over the weekends is another story....somebody once said..'We are living our lives over the weekends.....' How true!! Come weekend...start cleaning the week long accumulated dust...run errands, buy groceries to last the whole week, shop till we drop!!!.........phew....and so no time to connect to the net!!!

Anyways, a few days back Saina Nehwal was in the news....for her statement on the Delhi-Commom Wealth Games. She had stated that...."Looking at the stadiums and progress I don't really think we are capable of holding such big tournaments. I have seen many Games like Melbourne Commonwealth Games and Olympics in China. Compared to that, it is not up to the mark......" But being the brand ambassador of the Delhi- CWG, she was quick to apologize for her 'shocking statement' and went to say "I am sorry for whatever I said. I did not mean it. The Commonwealth Games will be a huge success. I want to do well in front of my home crowd. I am very proud that the Commonwealth Games are being held in India. I am a little disappointed after making these comments. It is not right on my part to say it as lots of people follow me....."

Well, Saina, being in the limelight didnt want to be at the center of a storm abt her comments and so quickly politically corrected herself !! But in retrospection I completely agree with Saina's original and true statement. Our arrangements for the Delhi CWG is no way near to previous/other international sporting events hosted by other countries and India is definitely not capable to conduct such international events--at least not until it rids itself of all corruption, which, sorry to say.......is near impossible!!

The Delhi-CWG has been tossing around on the wave of corruption. So many names had come out regarding the huge corruption scandal around these games!!! And few of these people have been sacked---and what use is it now??? After such a disgrace to the country on the international platform!!

Delhi CWG is the height of corruption (till date...who knows we Indians are very capable to setting higher standards in this field...if not in anything else). Just imagine; 10 lakhs for hiring a thread mill, 8000 for hiring a chair, 42,000 for hiring a refrigerator..and the list goes on!!! OMG!!! Even a middle class family nowadays is buying a decent thread mill for Rs. 20K.....!! And these people in the organizing panel of the Delhi-CWG have just HIRED these items!!

And whose money is it that they have hidden in their Swiss accounts et al??? The money comes from the taxpayers i.e. people like you and me. The money is a percentage of our hard-earned salary.....a percentage of our time which we spend in the office working......our blood and sweat which we pay to the country as taxes for its development and progress........!! And where does it go....into the pockets of the politicians---who dont give a crap about the development or progress about our country. All they care about is to replenish their loot. As they have spent a considerable amount during the elections to buy the vote bank to get them elected...they deem their ministerial berth/ assembly seat as their right to multiply their assets. If its Mr.X who got elected this term...then it will be Mr. Y's turn next term. And this Mr.Y who had to silently lick his money wounds (money spent for the election campaign which he unfortunately lost) when reelected will start his business of accumulating wealth with full josh...making up for the lost 5 years!!

Fine...we have been growing up with such politicians in our country (literally). But what beats me is- didn't the politicians responsible for the Delhi CWG even for one fleeting second think about the loss their actions would bring to their country? About the international disgrace for their country? About the CWG standards (set by other deserving countries) which they would be unable to meet? Couldn't they think about their country, their mother land at least once? How selfish!!!

Well, at the end, the Delhi Common Wealth Games has actually lived to its name. They will remain in our memories and in our countries history as the mega event where the democratically elected elite politicians of India played Games with the Common Wealth of the public!!!

---The news excerpts quoted above (Saina's comments) were taken from the Sept 4th web article of The Economics Times.

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